Monday, February 9, 2015

It's been a long while...

It's been a long while since I've posted! I wanted to try and keep up with this blog thing but little did I know how crazy & busy life can get when you have an infant! Wouldn't trade it for the world though :) 

Speaking of my infant Mr. Toby David, the booga boy himself! Here is a picture I snapped of him today :) 
Almost 9 months old & full of energy & personality!!! The sweetest face I have EVER seen!!! Maybe I'm just a little biased ;D

Fun fact about this picture. This kitchen set and those toys in the background were his auntie's, uncle's, & mama's toys!! Pretty cool that my mom saved our stuff for our kids to play with! 

Now that I have my new iPhone 6+ with plenty of space I conveniently have the blogging app on my phone! Hopefully I shall be posting more often :)

Toby's Mama 

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