Thursday, July 17, 2014

Toby David

I've been wanting to blog for quite some time now. I have always enjoyed free writing and expressing myself through words. As I lie here next to my sweet Toby David, staring at this beautiful little human my hubby and I created, I couldn't help but be inspired to start this blog. 

Those sweet baby coos and snores, the wiggles and giggles in your sleep, the innocence and peace on your face. I could stare at you while you sleep all day. Sometimes I smile and sometimes I cry (happy tears of course) because of the beautiful blessing in front of my eyes. I thank God for you everyday, my sweet Toby David. 

I am so incredibly lucky to wake up next to my sweet boy every morning. God has truly blessed me. All of my life I was always sure of one thing and that was being a mama. I was blessed to have found my soul mate at the young age of 16, marry him at 22, and give birth to our first child a month before turning 23. Nothing can compare to this love I have for our sweet Toby. I always knew I would love my child very much because I love children in general. But, I never imagined I could love someone so much. Don't get me wrong, I love my hubby with all of my being, it's just a different kind of love. A love that I am so blessed to know and feel. I now understand how my mama feels about my siblings and I, and boy do I want to kick myself for the way I treated her as a preteen and teen now. Love you mama :)

My goal for this blog is to post at least once a week, yes I'm sure it will mostly be related to the topic of Toby. One day Toby and my future children will be able to look back on this blog and see my thoughts about them and our crazy life and world around us!

Thank you for reading and stay tuned for more :)

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