Thursday, August 7, 2014

My Battle Scar

Before I was ever pregnant I knew I wanted a natural birth. It has always been something that was so important to me. In all honesty I "looked down" on those he opted for or had a c-section. My thoughts were that they just didn't try hard enough or didn't want it bad enough. I knew for some cases that c-sections were absolutely necessary but other than that I didn't understand how someone would want to be cut into by choice. Once I became pregnant my views were pretty much still the same. I couldn't even bare to watch the video about c-sections in our birthing class. I just knew I wanted the most natural birth I could have. Women have been doing this for thousands of years, so why couldn't I?

I went through my pregnancy eating pretty healthy and lotioning my body every day. That paid off because I gained the weight I needed to gain and I managed to get by without a single stretch mark. I was happy because I knew my body would look the same as it did before and I would only have to work off a little bit of weight. I was and am very lucky for that. Although I know if I would have gotten stretch marks I would have learned to love them because they would be worth a precious healthy baby!

The day came where I was finally in labor. I labored long and hard for 36 hours. I went in refusing any pain medication. I stood strong with that for almost 30 hours. I back labored for most of the time and had piggyback contractions getting little to no relief in between contractions. I was exhausted and couldn't relax which in turn reversed some of the progress my body made naturally. I finally decided to get some stadol so I could get some kind of relief. I was able to relax enough that my water bag broke. The nurses thought for sure that the baby would be here soon after that. The baby had other plans, he wasn't ready to come out just yet. I got to a point with my back labor that I couldn't handle it anymore. I wanted to be out of my own skin, I was in so much pain. I fought so hard and eventually decided on the epidural. That ended up relaxing my body so much that my contractions slowed down and any progress made pretty much didn't matter at that point. They tried pitocin and that helped. I finally got to about 33 hours of labor and I finally felt the urge to push. But baby was only at a -1 and not budging. I pushed for 3 hours and nothing was progressing and baby wasn't turning. My doctor was concerned because of the baby's heart rate jumping back and forth and gave me 30 more minutes to push. By that point my epidural was wearing off and the back pain was back. My body was so physically and emotionally exhausted that I just couldn't go on. I knew and everyone else knew that that 30 more minutes wasn't going to do much but exhaust me even more.

At that point I was just ready to meet my baby. I had to have a c-section. I was upset and disappointed with myself but I knew it was best for my baby and that is all that mattered. I was thankful that we live in a time where they can get a baby out safely that way. I had awful postpartum because I was embarrassed and upset that I couldn't have the natural birth I always wanted. I didn't get immediate skin to skin, I couldn't hold my baby who I carried for 10months, and now I had a longer recovery with a scar for life. Once I recovered I came to terms with my c-section. I knew that it was what I had to do to have a safe and healthy delivery. I prayed often for a safe and healthy delivery and that is exactly what I got just not the way I wanted. I sometimes think this was a wake up call that things won't always go as planned and a lesson learned not to judge others on their birthing choices. I am thankful we live in a time were vbacs can happen so I can hopefully have the rest of my babies naturally.

Here is my battle scar. I battled long and hard with my labor to meet my sweet baby. When I look at this scar sometimes I get sad and other times it makes me smile. It is a part of me for the rest of my life. I am never embarrassed but proud of my battle. Every time I look at it I will think about my sweet Toby David. This is his mark on my body that will stay with me for the rest of my life. 

Thursday, July 24, 2014

One Year

I can't believe that my hubby and I celebrated our one year wedding anniversary on Sunday. It seems like just yesterday we were saving and getting ready for our big day! My how time flies. We have accomplished so much in just a year. We bought our townhome, got married, traveled out of the country for the first time for our honeymoon, and a few weeks later we found out we were pregnant with our first child! Then came Decemeber where I finished up student teaching and graduated from Purdue Cal! Next thing you know were decorating a nursery and welcoming our first born on May 14th, all before celebrating our first year of marriage! I couldn't imagine sharing this life with anyone else :)

 A year later...

I don't know where I'd be without you here with me, 
life with you makes perfect sense, you're my best friend.

We have grown so much in a years time. I fall more in love with Dave as time passes, especially seeing him as a Daddy to our sweet Toby. I could stare at them together all day! I am so blessed to have such a loving, caring, funny, and hardworking man as my husband. We often talk about how much we have grown up together as individuals and a couple. We have been together since our junior year in highschool, almost 7 years. We have stuck by eachothers sides through the really good times as well as the really bad times. We have been tested and retested but no matter what we always stand by each other. I can't picture life without him and I am so excited for our future together! I love you with all of my being! Happy one year of being married baby :)

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Toby David

I've been wanting to blog for quite some time now. I have always enjoyed free writing and expressing myself through words. As I lie here next to my sweet Toby David, staring at this beautiful little human my hubby and I created, I couldn't help but be inspired to start this blog. 

Those sweet baby coos and snores, the wiggles and giggles in your sleep, the innocence and peace on your face. I could stare at you while you sleep all day. Sometimes I smile and sometimes I cry (happy tears of course) because of the beautiful blessing in front of my eyes. I thank God for you everyday, my sweet Toby David. 

I am so incredibly lucky to wake up next to my sweet boy every morning. God has truly blessed me. All of my life I was always sure of one thing and that was being a mama. I was blessed to have found my soul mate at the young age of 16, marry him at 22, and give birth to our first child a month before turning 23. Nothing can compare to this love I have for our sweet Toby. I always knew I would love my child very much because I love children in general. But, I never imagined I could love someone so much. Don't get me wrong, I love my hubby with all of my being, it's just a different kind of love. A love that I am so blessed to know and feel. I now understand how my mama feels about my siblings and I, and boy do I want to kick myself for the way I treated her as a preteen and teen now. Love you mama :)

My goal for this blog is to post at least once a week, yes I'm sure it will mostly be related to the topic of Toby. One day Toby and my future children will be able to look back on this blog and see my thoughts about them and our crazy life and world around us!

Thank you for reading and stay tuned for more :)